11 October 2009

Logo Floor Mat for Your Company’s Identity

. 11 October 2009

Floor mat seems like a simple thing, but actually it can give exclusive impression to our company or store when we put it on office or booth during trade show exhibition. Logo in our floor mat can be quite important. Just like when we put it on the wall, stickers or table, putting logo on our floor mat can also become a media to communicate our company to the customers. Logo on out floor mat can be the cheap marketing media. Therefore, it is time for us to think about putting logo on our floor mat.

If we want to put a logo on our floor mat, make sure it is simple, avoid unnecessary detail and patter because customers will only give a glance, not paying too much attention on it. Even though it should be in a simple design, but make it unique and attractive. There are so many companies that offer logo floor mats, but since it is related to our companies’ image, we must choose the best company to work with.

The Camelbackdisplays.com is able to provide us high quality logo floor mats. Not only that, they also provide us all things we need for our exhibit booths such as trade show displays, table cover, truss, and many others. Visit on the website to find more about their products.

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